By October I had three issues under my belt,
and started having more fun with the Tasting Panel people.
The two big movies at the time were "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Spiderman"
(I would have included Hermione Granger, but I was afraid no one would get it.)

Oh, notice that "Spidey" is eating a hero sandwich...?

October is the only time to draw people in costume
for no reason and get away with it.

Sometimes the "Local Treasure" was such a small outfit
they didn't have an actual logo. So I made one up.

The produce page "Halloweenified!"
See the little Batman hiding in the pumpkins?

( Notice the trim on Mom's jacket. The lighter blue on the cuffs and collar are
letters that spell out the names of my two kids. I secretly inserted "Peter" and "Holly"
in every issue. That way, they didn't mind so much when I had to
work extra hours to get it out on time.)

One interesting UBI ("Useless Bit of Information")
is that the prices for wine and beer were different in each market.

The states all had their own laws pertaining to liquor sales; the price of the same
bottle of wine in one city could be quite different in another.

Glad I don't live in Ohio, if you catch my drift...


[ First Tasting Report ] [ December 2007 ] [ January 2008 ] [ February 2008 ]